找到约12161个结果 (用时 0.4067189 秒)
  • Drive-in Movie Memories

    ,2001,美国,英语,Kurt Kuenne,莱纳德·马尔廷/约翰·布鲁姆/George Harrison,纪录片

    a documentary of the Drive-in theatre history

    发表时间:2019/3/29 7:52:43 访问详情>>

  • Drive-in horrorshow

    ,2009,美国,英语,Michael Neel,詹娜·莫拉斯卡/伊森·佐恩/Luis Negrón/Jimmy Flynn,

    e, we have a tale for you. in the tradition of creepshow and tales from the crypt, drive-i

    发表时间:2019/3/22 12:11:08 访问详情>>

  • at the Drive-in

    ,2017,美国,英语,Alexander Monelli,Jeff Mattox/Virgil Cardamone/Matt McClanahan/Corey Pace,纪录片

    l pennsylvania fight to keep a dying Drive-in theater alive by screening only vintage 35mm fil

    发表时间:2021/4/27 12:00:03 访问详情>>

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