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  • Pioneer Trails

    ,1923,美国,英语,David Smith,Cullen Landis/Alice Calhoun/Bertram Grassby/Otis Harlan,西部

    发表时间:2021/5/7 7:36:18 访问详情>>

  • the Trails before us

    ,2022,美国,,Fritz Bitsoie,,纪录片/短片

    through revitalizing old sheep and livestock Trails on his grandparents’ land, 17-yr-ol

    发表时间:2022/9/27 23:34:29 访问详情>>

  • Trails of water

    ,2008,菲律宾,菲律宾语 / 他加禄语,Sheron R. Dayoc,Joel Arnan/Beatriz Atilano/Sheron R. Dayoc/Albert Maguilon,短片

    Trails of water is an experimental film about a young boy's emotion as seen through hi

    发表时间:2017/4/1 2:31:43 访问详情>>

  • the Pioneer

    La pionnière,2012,德国,德语,Daniela Abke,,

    an anthology from the work of alice guy, the first female cinematographer. most of the fil

    发表时间:2022/2/26 1:37:27 访问详情>>

  • Pioneer 12

    ,1999,美国 / 加拿大,英语,Aaron N. Feldman,,科幻/恐怖/奇幻

    发表时间:2020/12/21 11:28:37 访问详情>>

  • tangled Trails

    Sands of Sacrifice,1921,美国,Silent,Charles Bartlett,Neal Hart/Violet Palmer/Gladys Hampton,动作/爱情/犯罪/西部

    发表时间:2021/6/9 6:14:28 访问详情>>

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