找到约61053个结果 (用时 0.4946956 秒)
  • Your Heart in my head

    ,2005,德国,德语,Rosa von Praunheim,Martin Molitor/Martin Ontrop,剧情

    a retelling of the events that led to the death of bernd juergen brandes. brandes responde

    发表时间:2017/5/20 2:33:39 访问详情>>

  • the sacrificial Heart

    ,2004,缅甸,缅甸语,Kyi Soe Tun,,剧情/历史

    sacrificial Heart (2004) offers a rare cinematic glimpse of burmese culture and history

    发表时间:2019/7/4 0:44:34 访问详情>>

  • buffalo Heart

    Buffalo Heart The Path of Death,1996,美国,英语,Daniel Matmor,Alex Wexo/Autumn Blessing/Buffalo Child/Sam Dobbins,犯罪

    when his daughter is raped and killed, buffalo Heart, descended from proud native america

    发表时间:2019/1/22 0:55:04 访问详情>>

  • lost Heart

    ,2020,美国,,Jesse Low,Melissa Anschutz/唐·莫斯特/维多利亚·杰克逊/Christine Marie/乔什·佩里/DJ Perry/Shane Hagedorn/迪恩泰斯特/Taylor Dupuis/Sherryl Despres/Lauren LaStrada/David Gries/Cassie Dean/Abigail Mason/Greg Mason/Anthony Hornus,剧情/喜剧/悬疑

    f lost Heart, for her estranged father's funeral. there she will confront the ghosts of he

    发表时间:2021/5/9 11:35:11 访问详情>>

  • don't quit Your daydream

    ,2018,美国,英语,Clark Stiles,Gina Gleason,冒险/纪录片/音乐

    h the Heart of america recording their third album. along the way they collaborate with a

    发表时间:2019/9/23 0:48:05 访问详情>>

  • shadows of Your childhood

    ,2020,俄罗斯,,Mikhail Gorobchuk,,纪录片/短片

    t haunts the Heart of a mother while watching her offspring sleep? mikhail gorobchuk create

    发表时间:2020/7/22 3:25:28 访问详情>>

  • open Your eyes!

    ,2008,意大利,意大利语,Gideon Bachmann,皮埃尔·保罗·帕索里尼,纪录片

    open Your eyes! is a new documentary (2008) on pier paolo pasolini's "salò o le 12

    发表时间:2017/4/20 0:53:44 访问详情>>

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