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  • ivory. a Crime story

    ,2016,俄罗斯/法国/肯尼亚/安哥拉/贝宁/博茨瓦纳/喀麦隆/中非共和国/乍得/中国大陆/刚果/加蓬/香港/印度/以色列/意大利/老挝/缅甸/菲律宾/塞内加尔/南非/斯里兰卡/坦桑尼亚/泰国/多哥/美国/英国/赞比亚/津巴布韦,英语,Sergey Yastrzhembsky,Jeff Koinange,剧情/犯罪/纪录片

    r the investigation documentary «ivory. a Crime story» about the causes and consequences o

    发表时间:2017/4/7 5:11:32 访问详情>>

  • evans Crime

    ,2015,美国,英语,Sandy Tung,Annika P. Smith/大卫·阿奎特/Annika Noelle,

    evan white is unjustly accused of selling marijuana and cocaine and being threatened wit

    发表时间:2019/3/19 17:53:01 访问详情>>

  • wild Crime

    ,2021,美国,英语,,David Wenzel/Bob Bertolet/Todd Bertolet/Jonny Grusing/Caleb Hannan/Suneeta Hazra/Beth Shott/Valeria Spencer,悬疑/纪录片/犯罪

    r investigating Crimes that occur in the national park system, as they tackle cases and bring law an

    发表时间:2022/1/6 17:51:21 访问详情>>

  • trunk Crime

    Design for Murder,1939,美国,英语,罗伊·博尔廷,Manning Whiley/芭芭拉·埃弗里斯特/索利·沃特斯/Michael Drake,

    when a wealthy, lonely university music student is beaten and has his apartment trashed b

    发表时间:2020/5/14 1:17:42 访问详情>>

  • Crime dans l'hérault

    Murder In Herault,2020,法国,法语,Eric Duret,弗罗伦斯·派梅尔/Guillaume Cramoisan/罗拉·德瓦瑞/Catherine Demaiffe/博纳费·塔尔布利耶什/奥黛丽·洛滕/Julien Bravo/Matthieu Burnel/洛丽塔·夏马/曼努埃尔·热兰/Jean Bard/Clément Brouillet/Raphaël Duléry/Didier Lagana/Anthony Le Foll/Laurence Porteil,惊悚/犯罪

    d and charles jouanic get back together to investigate what looks like a Crime with a

    发表时间:2021/8/15 16:34:17 访问详情>>

  • diário de um Crime

    Diary of a Crime,2023,巴西 / 葡萄牙,,Pavel Tavares,,纪录片

    ário de um Crime was born. what is a documentary (a document of reality) to someone withou

    发表时间:2023/10/27 13:17:13 访问详情>>

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