找到约2692个结果 (用时 0.044129 秒)
  • 多么美好的感觉

    ,2016,加拿大,英语,François Jaros,Karelle Tremblay/Frédérike Bédard/Catherine Hughes/Tania Kontoyanni,剧情/短片

    stars, hide your fires; let not light see my black and deep desires. nor any truck.

    发表时间:2017/4/3 10:19:27 访问详情>>

  • 不再感觉悲伤


    pål dreams about success within the musical world, but he has an obstacle; himself. his de

    发表时间:2020/11/4 4:46:07 访问详情>>

  • 糟了,是心动的感觉

    ,2021,中国大陆,汉语普通话,余斌 Bin Yu,王柯/金雨锋/李若天/马倩倩/董浩然/郁子阳/崔智皓/张芷箖,爱情


    发表时间:2021/9/3 16:33:33 访问详情>>

  • 愤怒也是感觉的表现

    Fury is a Feeling Too,2021,德国,德语,辛西娅·贝特,海因茨·艾米高斯/辛西娅·贝特/Margaret DeWys/Fritz Mikesch/Astrid Heibach/Ed Cantu/Ellen El Malki/Daniel Lengyel/丽塔·伦吉尔/Gustav Hámos/Milena Gregor,短片


    发表时间:2021/9/23 1:14:58 访问详情>>

  • 皮肤感觉得到

    Skin Feels,2012,荷兰,荷兰语,Daan Bunnik,Frans Bunnik/Anneloek Bunnik-Teenstra,剧情/纪录片/短片/家庭

    发表时间:2023/7/15 2:17:34 访问详情>>

  • 安德赫斯感觉

    The Andechs Feeling/安德赫斯感觉,1974,西德,德语,赫伯特·阿赫特恩布施,玛加蕾特·冯·特罗塔/Barbara Gass/赫伯特·阿赫特恩布施,

    synopsis: in achternbusch's first feature, an anxious teacher (played, as is the lead role

    发表时间:2017/4/20 15:13:39 访问详情>>

  • 给她爱的感觉

    ,1968,英国,英语,Norman J. Warren,Simon Brent/Georgina Ward/Paula Patterson,剧情

    the erotic shenanigans of dj stevee daly, who can't choose whether or not to correct his r

    发表时间:2017/4/21 14:17:43 访问详情>>

  • 死亡是什么感觉

    ,2021,荷兰,英语,Philip Ullman,,动画/短片

    a mouse finds herself reciting childhood memories in a sterile living room. shards of an a

    发表时间:2021/12/16 18:07:04 访问详情>>

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