找到约169567个结果 (用时 4.9472342 秒)
  • 乌有之海

    Absent Sea,2023,中国大陆,,Jing Wen,,

    d journey back to childhood, protagonist encounters another youngster. the two wander through th

    发表时间:2024/5/2 6:39:45 访问详情>>

  • the performance

    ,2022,美国 / 意大利,,Alfredo Chiarappa/Caterina Clerici,,纪录片

    hussein learnt to breakdance from a soldier in iraq as a kid, then chased his american dre

    发表时间:2024/5/2 6:30:12 访问详情>>

  • l'home dels nassos

    ,2023,西班牙,,Abigail Schaaff,Ivan Benet/巴勃罗·德尔基/Salli Diallo,恐怖/奇幻

    y to escape from the so-called home dels nassos (lit. “man of the noses”), a legendar

    发表时间:2024/5/2 6:23:31 访问详情>>

  • merv and the miracles


    explores the legendary basketball game between chaminade and virginia in 1982.

    发表时间:2024/5/2 6:19:29 访问详情>>

  • 奇迹一英里

    ,2024,美国,英语,Luke Van Mol,,喜剧/爱情/家庭

    with the help of a recovering combat veteran, an overly optimistic young man and hi

    发表时间:2024/5/2 6:17:30 访问详情>>

  • the mirakle


    发表时间:2024/5/2 6:17:02 访问详情>>

  • miracle

    ,2023,芬兰,,Marja Pyykkö,,

    ada’s family runs a christian revival movement. to get her parents’ attention, th

    发表时间:2024/5/2 6:08:38 访问详情>>

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