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  • selected works: Reel 3

    ,1973,美国,,William Wegman,,

    Reel 3 focuses on wegman's absurdist fictions, performed as droll monologues and parodi

    发表时间:2017/4/5 3:11:16 访问详情>>

  • tape me: Reel 4

    ,2012,美国,英语,Christopher Outridge,Rachael Logue/Andy Ridge/Michael Zampetti,惊悚/恐怖/短片

    in tape me : Reel 4, faceless teaches appreciation, focus and life.

    发表时间:2020/5/16 0:33:16 访问详情>>

  • comic Book kingdom

    ,2018,英国,英语,Marius Smuts,,纪录片

    comic Book kingdom is a documentary examining the joys and hardships of creating comi

    发表时间:2021/9/12 2:13:38 访问详情>>

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