找到约54个结果 (用时 0.5162603 秒)
  • open land - meeting john abercrombie

    ,2017,美国,英语 / 西班牙语,Arno Oehri,John Abercrombie/Adam Nussbaum/Gary Versace,纪录片/音乐

    d sound, director arno oehri achieves a fine balance between music Passages and interviews. th

    发表时间:2020/5/18 4:49:34 访问详情>>

  • hindemith: a pilgrim's progress

    ,1990,英国,英语,Tony Palmer,John Gielgud/Ronald Pickup,纪录片

    y Passages from john bunyan’s pilgrim’s progress read by sir john gielgud. in part three painte

    发表时间:2017/4/21 2:44:43 访问详情>>

  • stemple pass


    y intrudes on these tranquil scenes, reading out Passages from the writings of infamou

    发表时间:2019/3/28 13:09:18 访问详情>>

  • home stories

    ,1990,西德,,Matthias Müller,,短片

    g (dirk sch?fer) supports this through connected sound Passages that are experienced a

    发表时间:2017/6/11 2:37:06 访问详情>>

  • vala comum

    ,1995,巴西,,João Godoy,,纪录片

    e committed by the brazilian state holds both on the streets. other interesting Passages show th

    发表时间:2017/6/30 1:15:58 访问详情>>

  • 辛特拉的时光

    Days in Sintra,2008,巴西,葡萄牙语 / 西班牙语 / 法语 / 英语,Paula Gaitán,Paula Gaitán/Glauber Rocha/Eryk Rocha/Ava Rocha,纪录片

    e, uniting past and present, and highlights remembrance. long, silent Passages are gentl

    发表时间:2020/1/15 3:25:13 访问详情>>

  • 另類.愛人.同志

    The Story of Claude Cahun and Marcel Moore/另類.愛人.同志,2006,美国,英语,Barbara Hammer,Kathleen Chalfant/Alana Chazan/Yves Musard/Marty Pottenger,纪录片/同性

    barbara hammer's collage of photographs, documents, interviews, lyrical Passages an

    发表时间:2017/4/20 10:23:54 访问详情>>

  • 加拉

    Elena Dimitrievna Diakonova: Gala,2003,西班牙,spanish,西尔维娅·蒙特,Salvador Dalí/Gala Dalí/阿曼达·李尔/西尔维娅·蒙特,纪录片/传记

    w her, as well as by Passages from texts written by gala herself, silvia munt has conjured u

    发表时间:2019/5/23 3:43:01 访问详情>>

  • 出发

    The Departure/出发,1967,比利时,法语,杰兹·斯科利莫夫斯基,让-皮埃尔·利奥德/Catherine-Isabelle Duport/Jacqueline Bir,剧情/爱情/喜剧

    r counterpoints them, but practically replaces them, filling long Passages without words an

    发表时间:2018/11/10 20:04:22 访问详情>>

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