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  • The uncertain Snow

    ,2021,法国,法语,Marion Boisrond/Marie-liesse Coumau/Gwendoline Legendre/Ada Hernaez/Romane Tisseau,,动画/短片

    on The lookout for polar bears in The arctic, a wildlife photographer realizes she ma

    发表时间:2023/1/31 9:31:53 访问详情>>

  • glory to The Queen

    The Encounter,2020,格鲁吉亚 / 奥地利,,Tatia Skhirtladze/Anna Khazaradze,,纪录片

    against The backdrop of cold war, The encounter reveals stories of four legendary femal

    发表时间:2021/10/17 23:13:36 访问详情>>

  • footprints in The Snow

    ,2005,英国,英语,Richard Spence,卡罗琳·昆汀/凯文·沃特利/菲尔·戴维斯,

    paralysed from The waist down after a car crash, julie hill struggles to get used to he

    发表时间:2017/4/6 13:31:16 访问详情>>

  • cave in The Snow

    ,2002,澳大利亞 Australia,英语,Liz Thompson,,纪录片

    e, Then found herself thrust into advocating full ordination for women in The tibetan buddhis

    发表时间:2021/6/16 1:06:29 访问详情>>

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