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  • 2037

    ,2015,西班牙,西班牙语,Enric Pardo,亚历山德拉·希门内斯/贝尔托·罗梅罗,喜剧/科幻/短片

    a perfect worker but it has committed a indiscretion and the machine of the Time has used fo

    发表时间:2020/2/13 4:32:07 访问详情>>

  • sleepy Time down south

    ,1932,美国,英语,Dave Fleischer,The Boswell Sisters/Connee Boswell/Martha Boswell,动画/短片/音乐

    fire chief bimbo is called to a house on fire, and rescues the boswell sisters and thei

    发表时间:2020/6/23 1:15:31 访问详情>>

  • world is a hole to me

    MONDE EST UN TROU POUR MOI,2023,法国,无对白,安东尼·皮罗特,,剧情/短片

    windows open and close on other windows. in sleep, spaces and Times embrace each other.

    发表时间:2024/4/18 14:51:44 访问详情>>

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