找到约54个结果 (用时 0.9885823 秒)
  • sphinx on the seine

    ,2009,美国,无对白,Paul Clipson,,

    e after the other, but geographically span thousands of miles and large Passages of tim

    发表时间:2022/7/2 7:26:14 访问详情>>

  • 天星小轮

    ,2018,中国香港 / 美国,,廖沛毅,,短片

    t tensions between abrupt Passages forward past neon signs and led advertisements to quie

    发表时间:2021/5/2 13:01:55 访问详情>>

  • 黑色安息日

    吓人三次/Black Sabbath/黑色安息日,1963,法国/意大利/美国,意大利语,马里奥·巴瓦,波利斯·卡洛夫/米歇尔·梅奇/利迪娅·阿方西/马克·达蒙,恐怖

    n addition to appearing in the linking Passages, has a role in 'the wurdalak' segment (based o

    发表时间:2020/11/30 7:38:47 访问详情>>

  • alex câmera 10

    ,2020,巴西,葡萄牙语,Caue Serur Pereira,,纪录片

    s like coritiba, palmeiras and cruzeiro, besides outstanding Passages in the brazilia

    发表时间:2021/6/2 15:08:46 访问详情>>

  • essais

    ,2020,德国,,Hannes Schüpbach,,

    t Passages from one to the other. she enters into a fictional exchange with the artists an

    发表时间:2023/8/11 16:15:49 访问详情>>

  • en ningún lugar, don luis buñuel

    ,2013,法国,法语,Laurence Garret,让-克劳德·卡里埃尔/德尼·拉旺/卡洛斯·雷加达斯,剧情

    denis lavant reads long Passages from luis buñuel's semi-autobiographical "my las

    发表时间:2021/12/16 16:19:22 访问详情>>

  • love stories my grandmother tells

    ,1994,美国,英语,Dana Plays,Gustav Regler/Peggy Regler/Alexander Von Wutenau,纪录片/短片

    y based in a complex sound/image structure. interludes (silent optically printed film passage

    发表时间:2020/2/19 1:54:08 访问详情>>

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