找到约150659个结果 (用时 0.1926664 秒)
  • highwAy of A broken heArt

    ,2023,希腊,希腊语,Nikos Kyritsis,,短片

    somewhere, in the middle of nowhere, on An empty And bAdly lit pArt of An endless highwA

    发表时间:2023/9/27 21:12:34 访问详情>>

  • tAles of A nomAdic city

    ,2024,丹麦 / 法国 / 摩洛哥 / 毛里塔尼亚,,Christian Vium/Med Lemine Rajel/Kathrine Fremming/Rikke Tambo,,

    ‘tAles of A nomAdic city’ is An immersive, multi-plAtform project chronicling the city o

    发表时间:2023/11/7 22:28:13 访问详情>>

  • A murder of crows

    ,2012,澳大利亚,,Nick Robertson,,西部

    A soldier seArches for lost love in the AustrAliAn gold fields during the lAte 19t

    发表时间:2019/12/13 3:55:10 访问详情>>

  • A leAf of fAith

    ,2018,美国,英语,克里斯·贝尔/David Baca Jr.,克里斯·贝尔,

    this documentAry explores krAtom, A botAnicAl supplement thAt hAs been proposed As A

    发表时间:2021/7/25 9:04:11 访问详情>>

  • A country of strAngers


    A detective spends his entire cAreer, spAnning decAdes, seArching for three children wh

    发表时间:2023/3/26 9:19:18 访问详情>>

  • diAry of A mArried mAn

    Journal d'un homme marié,2005,法国,英语,莱赫·科瓦尔斯基,Anonymous/Nikaos,纪录片/短片

    e of the mAin protAgonist of this documentAry. he is first seen wAshing his cAr, A mundAn

    发表时间:2020/3/13 10:02:18 访问详情>>

  • Afternoon of A nymph


    An Agent invites his young stArlet to A pArty, to meet All the right people. A chAnce t

    发表时间:2024/3/10 4:47:22 访问详情>>

  • A smAll circle of friends


    hArvArd in the 1960's: A time of sociAl upheAvAl And student unrest. three students (brA

    发表时间:2019/3/21 17:27:01 访问详情>>

  • the desire: A journey of A womAn

    ,2010,India,英语 / 粤语 / 印地语 Hindi,R Sarath,希尔帕·谢蒂/夏雨/贾亚·普拉达/阿努潘·凯尔,剧情

    i is drAwn to gAutAmi becAuse of her grAce And chArm. she doesn't respond. gAutAmi doesn'

    发表时间:2017/4/21 21:43:50 访问详情>>

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