找到约1851个结果 (用时 0.0505699 秒)
  • 工人离开工厂

    workers leaving the factory,1995,德国,德语,Harun Farocki,,短片

    based on one of the lumière brothers’ historic first films, harun farocki has created a mo

    发表时间:2016/5/9 16:01:02 访问详情>>

  • 超级工厂:超级地铁



    发表时间:2016/5/9 19:39:22 访问详情>>

  • 第13工厂

    Factory 13 / 13號工廠(台),2018,越南,,潘明,张美人/Jay Quân/Tuấn Trần/Brian Trần,剧情

    a group goes to a factory. they use many things to jump scare make their video has many vi

    发表时间:2021/4/10 12:00:03 访问详情>>

  • t婆工厂

    lesbian factory/T婆工厂,2010,中国台湾,英语 / 汉语普通话,陳素香,,纪录片/同性


    发表时间:2016/5/11 11:24:55 访问详情>>

  • 面包工厂,第二部分


    at the bread factory, they rehearse the greek play, hecuba. but the real theatrics are out

    发表时间:2021/5/10 12:00:05 访问详情>>

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