找到约1950353个结果 (用时 3.426056 秒)
  • the legend of tom dooley

    ,1959,美国,英语,Ted Post,,剧情/西部

    还特别去找到这位tom dooley的墓,并赦免了他的罪。后来整个故事也在两年后的1959年搬上大银幕,拍成魂断奈何天(the legend of tom dooley)这部电

    发表时间:2017/4/12 4:52:23 访问详情>>

  • the legend of harrow woods

    ,2011,英国,英语,Richard Driscoll,Richard Driscoll/Norman Wisdom/Rik Mayall,恐怖

    horror movie, following the adventures of a group of students who enter the haunted fores

    发表时间:2019/3/28 13:09:18 访问详情>>

  • mystery man of the a-bomb

    ,2023,日本,英语,Miyajima Suguru/Ookoda Sawako,Jack Merluzzi,纪录片/历史/战争

    stories of the people who built the first atomic weapons are well known. but what abou

    发表时间:2024/3/3 19:57:55 访问详情>>

  • eyes of the mothman

    ,2011,美国,,Matthew J. Pellowski,,

    feature length documentary of the real story behind the legend of the mothman.

    发表时间:2022/6/6 10:14:07 访问详情>>

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